Imperialism Discussion

Imperialism, a concept that made the world suffer. A statement that is agreed by a majority in the world at this time. I argue to defend some parts of Imperialism was needed to be brought. In class one point was made “what is the death toll which we are ready to overlook?”. To answer that question there is no death toll which can be overlooked but my point is that this was a consequence of people abusing power. To blame imperialism for this will be unfair, for the purpose simplicity I will keep my discussion to industrial and technological advances Imperialism was a concept which kept the West at an advantage as their way of life and govern was considered the norm for the world. This was a time when industrialization and technological advances was key. At this junction countries were ready to invade others for resources. This was when the ideas that imperialism which forced a rapid change in region where ideas had been stagnated were introduced. Through psychological understanding we know change is mostly viewed negatively. This resistance was met with force, which was not needed, but when these changes where adopted things were pointed to better future. I bring to my support China and Japan which moved to a direction with imperialistic ideas. These countries lead the country now in their economic and technological advances respectively. The ideas of industrialization and technological advances would have come to the East at a later time what imperialism was able to do was bring it to them faster. This was good and bad, as this was information that made less sense as life was different to the East. These ideas had to be adopted as if not taken control then other countries would deplete the country out of resources. A prime example is India. I will not get into more details as the conversation is never ending.

Imperialism though negative gave the East the resources to move to a better future if it was adopted.

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