Early 1900 saw the world shift. All over, civilizations saw a dramatic change due to western imperialism, this led to a more interconnected world. around the world imperial nations left traces of themselves, these traces have far-reaching effects. In 1885 many European powers gathered to divide up the African continent. This to strip the country of its natural recourses for use in the new factories of the industrial revolution. In the Bright and Geyer piece, they state, “that the new sources of energy in fossil fuel and steam, and medical and scientific advances, provided a very few societies with enormous new capabilities for global projections of power into and over the rest of the world” (289). However, recourses were not the only motivation for imperialism. Many times powerful nations instead sought only to open new markets for trade. China suffered intrusion from many foreign nations with the occupation of Beijing and much of Latin American was still economically dependent upon its former colonizers. Bright and Geyer discuss an Exploitation v. Survival model, in which many industrialized nations used other counties for selfish gain, forcing the colonized nations into a position where they were forced to change in order to survive in the modern climate. Countries such as Brazil which saw a rapid period of modernization which naturally disenfranchised many of the residents. This, being done in large part to be taken seriously in this new world market. I believe that the Exploitation model is more relevant to the current political climate as many countries that fell victim to this exploitation still have yet to recover. And it does seem as though this wheel was set into motion for most of the world around 1900.