Ideally every city is one where people live in homes where everything is accessible and nature still feels natural. This is why the idea of Utopia exists for it is near impossible for something like this to exist. Humans by nature destroy to pave way for their own need if you can call them that. We demolish countless acres of forests and untapped nature and for what you may ask? Homes? Extraordinarily extravagant homes for suburban white moms to write live laugh love all over like a mantra. Despite the best efforts of many famous city planners things almost never work out perfectly in the long run.
I come from a city that is the definition os what a planned suburb looks like when you slap it on an existing real community. Sure Ohio can spare a few soy bean. fields to build a neighborhood or twelve but this mentality os taxing on the environment. Replicated environmental consciousness in the form of a park or trees lining streets does not compare to what has been lost in the long run. But beggars can’t be choosers. For example the completely planned Russian city of Magnitogosk looks actually quite green and vibrant from a satellite perspective but what was lost in the making of a green city like that? Apartment buildings and government offices take up monumental amounts of space and with the human global population increasing exponentially soon making room in a city plan for green may not be an option.
City planning will of course evolve to adapt to this need as it has always done for need in the past. Just hope it comes soon enough. Since the majority of cities are firmly established already it may be hard to make that kind of switch so late.