The cultural forms of superiority in Eastern Asia

Eastern Asia during its history was one which had most of its countries under the rule of a single autonomous ruler who held authority both politically and culturally. This absolute autonomy was one which presented political forms of superiority in the form of imperialism, however, it also presented a cultural form of superiority, we see this in how women were viewed when having power vs the ladder. A dichotomy is presented between the testimony of Kimiko Kaneda and a tabloid article about Mo Guokang, a politician of that era. The disparity between the treatment of men and women is depicted very graphically when Kimiko describes her coercion into becoming a “comfort women”. one account she stated “as many as 20 men would come to my room from early morning”, a result of this obscenity is her obligation to receive a hysterectomy, just so she did not have a child out of rape. Moreover, we see the other end of the dichotomy when we see how a woman of high political status is characterized. in this article Mo Guokang is depicted as someone who does not deserve her political power, in fact, it was said that “there are many people who joked about Mo Guokang being “the committee member for seduction.”. this dichotomy is indicative of just how much disdain was shown towards a woman of power during this era vs one who is a victim of treatment no living thing should experience. These differing depictions are indicative of how people were naturally inclined to view women of power vs ones who were under power in the most sadistic ways. This type of culture and behavior only implemented itself more and more in the coming years when the atrocities of war were committed across eastern Asia during the 19th and 20th century.

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