A Comparison and Contrast of The Declaration of Independence of Israel and Palestine

Religion in both documents are used as a utility of identity. In the Israeli Declaration of Independence the Tanakh is mentionedthree times: “…the Jews gave to the world the eternal Book of Books…” “…Israel will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel.…” And finally “…placing our trust in the Rock of Israel…” Israel is described as a safe place for Jews as in a factual and historical aspect it provides evidence for this reason.  ” The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people and “here their  spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped”. With regards to the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, religion serves as a reminder of their nation state as it just serves as an extended kinship unit. It is also intertwined with the Palestinian culture. However, in the document, The Palestinians are looking to develop their independent statehood; trying to find a means of tracing their identity of their people to the land as it says “The Palestinian Arab people forged its national identity”, “Yet the undying connection between Palestine and its people secured for the land its character and for the people its national genius”

Israel in its document describes itself as safe place for Jews due to the trials and tribulations in Europe. It would also say that its values originated from Hebrew Prophets. It would also say that it stands up for the rights of Arab inhabitants of Israel even though its main religion is Judaism. Palestine describes itself in the document as a nation that has strong sense of its people and the land but a strong connection has to be made between them

Israel defines Palestine as during The Zionist occupation and the dispersal of the Palestinian Arab people, through the disasters, which befell them, do not make them lose their Palestinian identity and their membership in the Palestinian community, nor do they negate them but the seem to suffer more than Israelis.  Palestine would define Israel as the people who took our land . However are accepting of arab inhabitants.

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