Week 4

This week in class we examined the rise of the German industrial complex and its lead up to the second world war and the rise of the cotton industry in Bombay India. As well as a reading on the Philippine- American war. Again, it seems the connecting fibers of imperialism an appear in all of these cases. Germany was a rising industrial power and naturally began to build its military to compete on the world stage. Germany needed its “place in the sun” which is a way of saying we need to colonize a small African country. But the Germans were far from alone. We also examined Paris France circa1900, during this time France was glorifying its imperial mission, claiming to bring “civilization” to smaller African countries, all while showing off the new technology that would come to define the generation. England had a somewhat subtler form of controlling the people of India though. Tier coercion was mostly economic. Yet it left much of India’s economy, and thus its politics dependent upon England. Meanwhile, the united states inserted itself into the Philopenas. The unfortunate underlying condition of most imperial nations is racism and startling superiority complex. In France, they looked at the people whose lands they were occupying as savage and lesser. The Germans committed what would today be one of the most horrific war crimes in Africa. Possibly worst of all is the propaganda machine in the united states that turned Filipino’s into guerrilla warfare fighting savages. I suppose that it’s the easiest way to get your people to support a foreign conflict and get your soldiers to fight a people they know nothing about. Unfortunately, these feelings don’t die, they linger and leads to the modern brand of discrimination that we have today.

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