A Force Unmatched: Women in East Asia

The hype of the Qing dynasty created a massive hierarchal imbalance of powers between the Japanese and the Chinese. Eventually. however, the dynasty begins to fall and Japan is on a rise to power in Asia (1868). One important theme that is highlighted during this time period is the role of women in this society. Japanese men feel the need to modernize these women but at the expense of them still learning enough to be good mothers. So everything created for these women is somewhat superficial, even though these women have a lot more freedom, for example, women now lead tea groups, they are still at a loss for their autonomy because everything they do is controlled by men. The rebellious acts they then claimed, really gave some of these women back their autonomy. For example, a massive rebellion (Beijing rebellion) that set these women apart, or women like Qui Jin. And although things were getting better, they were also getting worse, because of the objectification of these women. From today reading one of the women, Mo Guokang faces the trials and tribulations of the comfort women who are being sent to army men to destress. So, again, we see the role of women and trials and tribulations that they face as a struggle between claiming their autonomy but also losing it at the same time.

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