Japan in the 20th century

With the growing importance of trade around the 1850s, Japan ended its era of isolationism and moved unto trade and imperialism. Mutshito gaining rule after the military dictatorship of the shoguns who were against foreign demands.

From Fukuzawa Yukichi article, Upon Commodore Perry’s arrival in Japan, people were getting to appreciate the usability as well as the ethos of the western civilization.  People came to understand that the civilization was not brought in as long as the Shogunate were in existence because old-fashioned institutions and conventions were incompatible with modernism. So as to say if Japan remained isolated, it would have been unable to become powerful and wealthy or in other words become exposed to imperialism. This was what brought upon the Meiji restoration which caused rapid modernization as well as providing women with basic human rights.

The first source showed how powerful imperial japan had become as it generally talked about its control over women in China and South Korea. The main idea and content of the source are comfort women who were women forced into sexual slavery by the imperial Japanese army before the second world war. The purpose of the source is to essentially show the decline of the essence of western civilization throughout the Meiji restoration. The value of the source is that it is simply a primary source; the information is coming first hand from a comfort woman who has gone through the experience and has witnessed the situation. However, one limitation of the source is that it can be biased since it is coming from one point of view.


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