My two sides of my family (mother and father) could not have had two different immigration/migration stories into the United States. My mothers family migrated to the United States as early as the Mayflower, whereas my fathers family migrated in the early 1900s. Due to lapses in information, I will be sticking to my fathers side, as I am more informed about his side.
My fathers family immigrated to Canada shortly before the breakout of World War 1. With the rise in antisemitism in Eastern Europe (Pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe), my family moved to the Americas for new economic opportunities as well as for the purpose of religious freedom. My Grandfather’s family immigrated from Austria to Toronto and my Grandmother’s family immigrated from Romania to Toronto. From there, both families immigrated to the United States by way of Cleveland, Ohio.
I think that my family’s immigration history can be connected very much to the theme of the persecution of Jews in Europe throughout a great portion of European history. This can also stem largely into a theme of migration as a result of religious persecution. We can see this not only through large migrations of Jews in WW2, but also through the large migrations of religious minorities to the British Colonies in the Americas. I think this can be also connected to Israel’s declaration of Independence, as much of the reasoning for a Jewish state was because of the constant religious prosecution and horror that the Jews had to go through. My family is just one instance of that. I will be forever greatful that they made such a sacrifice as I would probably not be here today if it was not for them.