Model Z

From the class discussion and the reading I do believe there exist another model to describe the narrative of world history.

I strongly disagree with model A has this is orientalism approach to world history which puts the East at a handicap.

If we have to decide on a narrative of world history, I believe it should not be biased towards one side. Which is why I agree with the model B ( exploitation to strategize for survival) partially. Model B still lacks a bit of information that in my opinion is a dark time for the world history. This time is somehow being ignored which is not right if we want to have fair narrative to world history. This is why I propose the Model Z.

Model Z
( Imperial power exploitation to fragmentation and distruption of the world)
I believe this is better narrative to world history as it does not divides the world.
We can see the rise of imperial powers and exploitation done by them not just a view of great but also as situational circumstances. We then need to understand how this effected the world and where we are now. We have come to a stage where we are not one Nation or even close to world Harmony in any sense. The disruption and fragmentation caused by historical events are still much prevailing and in many cases more deeper in the world.
One case I bring to my support my argument is the subcontinent of India. Where the British ruled for 200 years and exploited the region. British empire grew to heights from it’s colonies but when things came to end they left them in craves which were they had to claw back out. This was the story for the Indian subcontinent too. The region lived in harmony, though in fragmented kingdoms, but still in harmony. Through the rule of British, they created boundaries utterly out of no regard for the region. Sadly these boundaries are not being fought on heavily and has caused disruption in a high level. After British left there was biggest refugee movement seen by the world ever which was just between one border.
This case shows a deeper understanding of world history under the Model Z which does not divide the world but shows how historical events came about and how did these things were responded with.

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