Response to Bright and Gayer

The in Bright and Gayer article the authors dicuss how after the 1800s there was a change refered to as “The Great Divergence” during these period certain parts of theworld begane having succesful industrialization which resulted is increase in the countries wealth. The aritcle states, “the regional balance of power in the world in favor of European-based empire, meant aggressive assertions of western power” (Bright and Gayer 289). During this, the authors dicuss how historians can view the following events differently. The author discuss how the rest of the world then scrambles to match these levels. The authors refer to this as “survival” and is hesistant to use the words “catching up.” We have previously been dicussing Bayly in class and adressing “the motors of change.” These changes are what has driven history to be the mordern world we live in today. One of the biggest changes that drives history is the rise and fall of Ecomonic wealth. The idea of catching up is impossible, instead countires attempted to do anything they could in order to at least compete with European Empires, which is survival.

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